Wednesday 11 October 2017

LO1: College Magazine Prelim Task

In today's lesson, I will be creating the front cover of a UTC Sheffield college magazine. This will include
  1. Looking at existing college magazines
  2. Visualisation diagram of the front cover
  3. Using my visualisation diagram to produce it in Photoshop
Similar conventions in college magazines
  • Masthead is the largest thing so that it stands out
  • Main cover image of a student - normally medium close up shot type, direct gaze
  • All have a houstyle of three main colours- gender neutral colours, use of green, blue or yellow etc, establish the brand
  • Barcodes on magazine and issue number 
  • Coverlines (or sell lines) to sell and inform 
  • Information on the front is relevent to and reflects the genre
File types
JPEG- Photographs, universal, range of different hardwares, devices and softwares, can be compressed as lossy (small so dont take up a lot of storage space and therefore you can save a lot of them) or lossless (bigger and of a higher resolution quality, taking photographs need to be a large lossless file so they are high quality)

PNG- Portable Network Graphic, lossless, high quality, can have a transparent background

TIFF- Front cover for the magazine will be saved as a TIFF file, lossless, used for high quality printing, most posters are normally a TIFF file

PSD- Photoshop document, used to create and edit graphics (shapes, images), lossless file due to working layers

INDD- Contents page and double page spread, layout pages for published documents like magazines, lossless and work in layers

Photoshop = image manipulation software
inDesign = desktop publishing

When we are "scalling" (scale up, bigger and scale down, smaller)