Thursday 8 February 2018

LO1: Sample Materials - Visualisation Diagrams [✓]

This is a visualisation diagram for the front page of my magazine, with it being how i want the front cover of it to look. I have made sure that I have included magazine conventions on this as they are the things that make it a magazine such as a masthead. This is also annotated, explaining the reason why I want each thing on the cover. This sketch is what I will be using when creating my magazine, so I know what it looks like however this is just a draft so there may be changes to the final product. 

This is the visualisation diagram for my contents page. I have drawn what I want the page to look like so that when I am designing my magazine on InDesign I have something to work from. This also helps me to know what images I need to take. The common conventions have been included as well as things such as colours and use of san serif font.

This visualiation diagram is for my double page spread, where my main article will be. This shows the layout with ideas of headlines and images, this may change however depending on the interview with the band. The annotations on my visualisation diagram state things such as what I want the band to be wearing within my images as well as the place I will be taking my pictures. 

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