Monday 12 February 2018

LO1: Sample Materials - Masthead Designs [✓]

This is a moodboard of different mastheads for music magazine. These magazines range from indie music, to RnB, however they still hold a large range of similarities. It was hard to find magazines that were indie magazines as even though it is become a more mainstream style of music, it could still be said to be aimed at a niche audience, compared to a pop magazine.
There are similarities in the colours that are used in the masthead, and as the housestyle colour. Generally the colours are monochrome, white and black, with a pop of colour. This is most commonly red. The use of the colour red is bold so therefore it could connote standing out which is what alternative music is about. I like the use of the monochrome colours because they go with any other brighter colour that could be used in the design of my masthead.

 This was my first design for the masthead for my magazine. I decided to design it so that the masthead linked to the music theme and the name of the magazine. I decided that incorporating something that would connote "beat" was important in the design of my mast head. This is because it would no only add interest but also really strenghten the themes in the magazine. When I thought of the word "beat" I associated it with heartbeats, so I decided to create a mast head that mimmicked the way a heartbeat looks. I liked this idea because it connoted that music is something that comes from the heart, however I was not happy with the way in which I portrayed this within this mast head. I felt as though the heartbeat idea made it look too medical so therefore I decidede to keep the same concept but try a different idea for the portrayl of "beat". I also decided to see what the mast head looked like when the line running through it was the same colour as the text and also what it looks like as a different colour. However I prefered the second of the two options.
This is the development of my mast head, I looked at the first design that I created and decided to keep most elements of it the same such as the font because this is something that I really liked from the design. However I decided to change the way that I represented "beat" in the masthead, this is something that I changed to look more like music beats. I did this to look like sound bars and I'm really pleased with how this looks. I made sure that I used a variety of different shapes and sizes for these bars in order to create the best and most autentic look for this whilst also making sure it looked good. I also experimented to see what the mast head would look like in yellow instead of the red which most indie music magazines use. 
I also tried this mast head in different colours to see what it would look like, I really liked how it looked in both green and blue however I feel as though it does not look very indie. This means that it doesnt fit with the style of magazine that I am trying to create. I feel as though these shades of blue and orange look to poppy for the style of an indie music magazine.
After trying different colours, I think that orange is the best colour to have my masthead as it fits into the theme of an indie music magazine. I feel as though this will look good on my magazine, especially as the key house style colour. Orange is a colour that I do think looks good and also that I want to use because it is slightly more femimine than red whilst still being gender neutral and not many indie music magazines aare aimend at a female audience. By using orange, I hope it would entise more women to engage with the magazine. Also it is a warm colour so therefore could bes aid to be more welcoming and make people want to read the magazine more than they would if it was a cool-toned colour. Plus it is still bright and eyecatching, which will mean more people could recognise the magazine and therefore want buy it. The use of The two orange mastheads differ as the first has the line running behind the "E" and "A", where as the secomd has the line running through the "E". I prefer the way that the second orange mast had design looks so this is going to be the one I choose to us eon my magazine. 

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