Tuesday 27 March 2018

LO4: Evidence of editing [✓]

I used the text tool in Adobe Photoshop to create the text on the cover page of my magazine then I added effects to my text like stroke. I used dafont to find the fonts to use throughout my magazine as these are free with a good selection which are also royalty free. There is a range of fonts used which fit into the house style.

I created graphics on the cover of my magazine using the shaped tool which is in Photoshop. This was used for not just the record graphic which was created from many different layers and shaped but also for the cover lines as I added a white or black rectangle.

The main image was edited on Photoshop where I made it black and white as I felt like this stood out. The effect also made the image seem moody and fit the genre of my magazine.

The additional image on the front cover was edited in Adobe Lightroom where I boosted the shadows and calibrated the colour balance to make the image fit more with my house style colours. When placing this on the magazine I added a white rectangle behind and also anchored text to it.

Whilst editing I moved around many of the different feature on my magazine until I felt the layout was right, this ranged from drastic changes to tiny adjustments.

Monday 26 March 2018

LO3: Following codes and conventions [✓]

LO3: Setting up Adobe InDesign CS6 [✓]

This is a video to how I set up my Adobe InDesign CS6 document. I am going to use in design to create both my contents and double page spreat. The video also justifies why I chose the measurements that I did which were based on not just my proposal but other magazines that I have taken inspiration from such as "Q Magazine".

LO3: Setting up Adobe Photoshop CS6 [✓]

Here is how I set up my Adobe Photoshop CS6 document in order to create the cover page of my magazine. I made my magazine A4 as this is the size of "Q Magazine" and many other indie music magazines. I considered making my magazine A5 as many local magazines such as "Exposed" are a smaller size which means that they are easier to transport however I decided that my magazine would be better being a larger size due to the conventions of most indie music magazine as well as where I am wanting it to be distributed.

LO3: Body copy for articles [✓]

This is the body copy of the feature article which is going to on my double page spread in "Off Beat" magazine. I have looked at many other indie music magazines, especially Q magazine. I used this along with my interview and my own writing style to aid the creation of an engaging article about Regan Jones and The Sundowns band. 

Sheffield. A place where some of the most successful artists such as Milburn and Arctic Monkeys have been born and bred. The city is still thriving, growing new talent everyday, more so than ever before. The newest of talent being The Sundowns, who are only half a year old. The dropping of their first EP, signals the start of something big for the Sheffield based indie alternate rock band. The band is a four piece with members Regan Jones, Ethan Halligan, Frankie Costello and Jake Miller. We managed to catch up with the lead singer himself, Regan Jones. 
After performing at Sheffield’s very own O2 Academy, Regan Jones sat down and chatted with us over a pint, “I’d probably say that you'd most likely find me in the pub with my mates in my spare time. I love getting stuck into a game of footy though too.”. However it is quite obvious that music is always on Regan’s mind, even during his downtime, with one of the bands oldest hits being “Jumpers for Goalposts’. The Sundowns have many original songs with Jones being the mastermind behind the lyrics, “I just get a line and work with it” he comments, “I find the best way to get inspiration for a song is just taking things that are important to me or that stand out.”. We can see that the ideas behind the lyrics for “Jumpers for Goalposts” are heavily inspired by his passion for football, “the song is just mainly a reflection on my own personal childhood memories, but I feel like many lads my age could relate.”. The thing that sets the music of The Sundowns apart from the rest is that their lyrics really are relatable for so many different people, yet still manage to be different from the clique music we listen to today. 
Music has always been a lifelong ambition of Jones’, “Ive been influenced by many different artists, The Stone Roses, Morrissey, Little man Tate and Milburn to name a few. Liam Fray has always been my biggest influence however, seeing him was what made me decided that music was something I really wanted to be involved with”. From a young age Jones has been involved in music, with his nan being a big influence on him. “When it comes to music I am mainly self-taught, however growing up my nan did teach me how to play the piano, I think this has had a big impact on what I am doing now”. 
Before The Sundowns were around, Jones was a solo artist. With the band only forming a short while ago, we wondered how it came about and Jones has the story to tell. “I was just sat on a tram on my way to town when I saw this guy. Ethan. He had a Gretsch guitar and looked cool. So I took his name , messaged him and then The Sundowns was born”. The creation of the band seems to have had a very positive impact on all the boys lives, with it sparking up a friendship that will last a lifetime. 
“Back on the grind”, not only an example of Jones clever way with words but a phrase that describes The Sundowns perfectly.“I feel the proudest when I’m up there on that stage and people are our singing back the lyrics to us. The feeling is surreal along with the support.” After only just releasing their first EP, The Sundowns were back in the studio doing what they do best. ”Our following is what motivates us the most” was what Regan commented when I asked him why they were creating new tunes so soon. Having been given the honour to listen to a preview of one of their new original hits, I can honestly say that the band just keeps getting better and better, “even bigger things are to come”.
When Jones was asked to describe what people should expect from their gigs, the words he used were “carnage, electricity and a big do” and he wasn’t wrong. Having been lucky enough to have attended the bands O2 performance I can confirm that the amazing music I heard having first listened to the bands EP on Spotify was more than topped due to not only the brilliant music but the atmosphere that they created. Having experienced this first hand I can honestly say that The Sundowns are not one to miss. Get yourselves down to there up and coming gig headlining Cafe Totem on the December 8th and experience Sheffield’s next big thing for yourself. 

LO3: Creating production materials

LO3: Contact sheet and evaluation [✓]

This is a contact sheet for one of the photoshoots that I have done. These images were taken at the band "The Sundowns" gig. It was hard for me to capture these images due to the nature of the even and factors such as the lighting. The lighting was not consistent due to the strobe lights that were on stage, flashing different colours. I did not want to use flash when taking my images as I decided that it would not be appropriate to use as it could intensify other factors in the images, such as people heads that were not that of the band, this meant I did not take my images with flash. By not using flash it meant that I had to be more stable with the camera as I was using a slow shutter speed, this, however, meant there is movement in some of my images making them unusable. Overall I am not that happy with most of the pictures that I have taken during the gig, however, there are a few that will be usable if I edit them correctly. I would like to attend another gig as I feel like I could learn from some of the mistakes that I have made with this group of images and therefore get some better shots which would look more professional in my magazine.

This is a contact sheet for another one of the photoshoots that I did. These images were taken of Regan Jones, the lead singer of the band "The Sundowns". These images were taken in front of the O2 Academy, a venue where they are soon to be playing. I wanted to capture images in a place which would relate to the interview that will be the main feature on my double page spread. This shoot was a mixture of landscape and portrait images to suit for my double page spread alongside my cover page. I did not manage to take anywhere near the number of images that I wanted to take. This was due to time constraints for my model but also the weather conditions. 
These are the contact sheets for my final shoot with my model. Overall I am very happy with how these images turned out. I decided to shoot photographs in several locations so I had a range of different pictures to choose from for all the pages in my magazine. These images were successful as my model, Regan Jones, was acting very natural. This is something that I wanted to achieve with my images as I feel like this makes the audience feel more connected with the artist. This will link to the article within my magazine as the people who will be reading "Off Beat" may look at Regan Jones as a role model, especially if they are trying to get into music themselves. Within this shoot I did take some more posed images so that I had a variety of photographs to choose from when creating the pages of my magazine. The majority of the images that I use within my magazine will most likely be from this photoshoot as I am very happy with how succesful it was and the outcome of the photoshoot.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

LO2: Questions for Interview [✓]

Interview Questions
  1. How did the band get created? 
  2. How long have you been a part of a band? How long has it been together? 
  3. How did you decide the name of your band? Is there a specific meaning behind this?
  4. Is music something that has been a lifelong ambition for you? 
  5. What made you decide to want to be involved in music?
  6. Who are your biggest musical influences?
  7. Is music something that has been a lifelong ambition for you? 
  8. Who was your biggest influence growing up?
  9.  Do you think music has had a positive impact on your life? 
  10. What is the proudest moment you have experiences with music?
  11. Are you hoping that you will grow with music and have recognition outside of Sheffield? 
  12. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? 
  13. In your downtime, away from music, what do you enjoy to do?
  14. What instruments do play? How did you learn to play these?
  15. Have you ever considered going solo? 
  16. Do you have any original songs? Who writes these songs? How do you come up with the inspiration to write the songs? 
  17. Are there any new songs coming soon? 
  18. What can people expect if they come to one of your gigs? 
  19. When is your next gig? Where is it? 
  20. Where can people hear your music? 
These are the questions that I am going to use to interview Regan Jones, from the band "The Sundowns". The magazine that I am creating, Off Beat, is an indie music magazine, I have looked at other magazines that are in the same genre as mine. This includes magazines such as "Q" which is a music magazine, within this, I have read articles which have helped me and inspired me when creating the questions to ask. I feel as though I have a large variety of different questions which not only focus on Jones' music but also help the audience learn more about him as a person. The variety of questions will help me with writing an engaging and interesting article

LO2: Annotated Visualisation Diagrams [✓]

These are the annotated visualisation diagrams for all four pages of my magazine. A visualisation diagram is a good planning tool because you can show what your final product is going to look like and show your ideas without creating the actual product. There can be changes to the final product so it does not look exactly like the visualisation diagrams as this is just a guide to help when producting the actual magazine pages.

LO2: Visual Styles and Theme Moodboards [✓]

These are my visual styles for each page of my magazine. These are mini moodboards for inspiration of the type of things that I want to include within my magazine. I will use the moodboards and visualisation diagrams as pre-production documents to aid me in the creation of my magazine.

LO2: Fonts, Graphics and House Style Colours [✓]

This is a board of ideas of the fonts, graphics and house style colours which I want to use within my magazine. I will use this board as inspiration when creating my magazine. All of the fonts I have chosen fit my target audience as they are san serif so this means they are easier to read which is something that is important when making a magazine as the readers need to be able to read articles with ease. I have also made sure that my fonts fit the indie style of my magazine as they are not typical fonts, being different and interesting, like the genre of indie music. The graphics I have chosen are things which I think would link well to my indie music magazine, "Off Beat". Some of these connote music whilst others are shapes which would make my magazine interesting, especially on the cover page. I have chosen that the house style colours of my magazine are going quite simple, with it being mainly monochrome colours but with pops of bright orange. I would like to use these colours as they are complementary colours so they look nice together. Also, they link nicely to the indie theme of my music magazine because they are bright colours which will be eye-catching and this means that they stand out which is much like indie music, which is the type of music that my magazine is about. The black and white are neutral and will also work nicely alongside the orange.

LO2: Photoshoot Plans [✓]

These are the plans for my photoshoot so that I know what shots I am going to be taking. I have considered the locations I am going to be shooting such as in front of a brick wall as well as the equipment that I will use in order to create high quality images for print. The photoshoot plans also include information which I want my models to wear such as neutral clothing. I have created photoshoot plans for 4 different shot types so I have a range of different images for my magazine.

LO2: Call sheets [✓]

This is a call sheet for the first photoshoot that I am going to do. This includes all the information that me and any other peoole involved may need to know, ranging from what equipment is needed to what the model needs to wear. It also includes contingencies, this means there is a back up plan if anything didnt go to plan during the shoot.

This is another call sheet for my photoshoot which I will be doing, I am going to send this to my model so that he will have all the information that he needs for the photoshoot. 

This is a callsheet for another location which I am going to be shooting. Like my other photoshoots, a copy of this callsheet will be sent to Regan in order for him to know the information which is needed for the shoot.

Monday 12 March 2018

LO2: Gaining Permissions [✓]

Here are a release and consent form that I got my model to sign for the magazine. This grants permission for me to use the photographs I have used in the magazine that I am creating.

This shows the messages between me and the band when planning to have them involved within my magazine. This message is sent on behalf of the whole band, from one member Regan, who is my point of contant via this project.

LO2: Risk Assessments and Location Recce [✓]

This is a location recce for the places that I shot my images. I made sure to go to the location before shooting and see the risks because I want to ensure that my models are as safe as possible during the photoshoot. I assessed things such as the models health and welfare but also the situation such as whether there would be power so that I ensure that I am totally prepared for the photoshoot when I go with my model. 

This is the risk assessment that I did when I went to the shooting location. I created this in order to make sure that all personnel are safe during the photoshoot. This minimises the risks for both myself as the photographer as well as my model.

LO2: Legal and Ethical [✓]

Links to my magazine. 

Obscene Publication Act
It is illegal to publish content that may negitively influence readers. 
Not publishing anything that could be seen as obscene. Obsene is something that is not seen as appropriate and could be deemed to be offensive.
My audience for my magazine is 16 to 25 year old, both male and female.
 - Indie music has lots of links to things such as alcohol, however it would be obscene for me to show the effects of alcohol in my magazine. This is because it could influence my audience as they may be underaged to drink in which case it is illegal however it would not be appropriate for me to show drunkeness as it could encourage my audience. The next thing that could be seen as obscene to include in my magazine would be drugs, this is due to them being illegal and it is know that many people, especially those who are on the indie music scene, have done drugs. Another thing that I will do will not include any explicit language in my magazine. If this language is said during my interview with the band, I will sensor any explicit language. This means that it will not offend my audience as it could be deamed to be obscene and inappropriate. 

Libel Law
It is illegal to publish defamatroy or harmful content about a person or publish untrue information. 
Their aim is to balance the right of free speech against protection for the reputation of an individual from unjustified attack.
If a person is defamed, if statements in a publication expose him to hatred or ridicule, cause him to be shunned, lower him in the estimation in the minds of "right-thinking" members of society or disparage him in his work. 
There are defences in law for libel. The publisher could prove the statement to be true, it could be fair comment - so long as the opinion is based on true facts, is genuinely held and not influenced by malice. 
 - For the double page spread in my magazine I am going to be interviewing a band. It is important for me not to include any information about this band is
Another thing that could be bad info bout other bands and venues
Any information in my magazine that is real, including a real person or event has to come from a creadible source. This has to be true and i need to check my sources.

Allows producers of content to protec their intellectual property and for it not to be used without permission.
 - In my magazine I would need to make sure that any photography of people will be my own. I will be taking an image of Regan Jones, the lead singer, for the front cover of my magazine, this photography will need to be taken by me and I will need to get permissions from the band members in order to be able use these images. All the graphics that I use in my magazine will be created by myself, this means that these will be my own intellectual property, however I will need to get permission from my band to use their logo in my magazine as this is something that is recognisable for them

Laws of Contempt
It is illegal to publish content based on an ongoing criminal prociding or court case.
Whilst a case is being investigated in court, magazines and newspapers are not allowed to publish anything or make comments on it. This is so that Jurists are not pursuaded by anything that theyve read. This prevents magazines form publising anything that is too sensationalist about a crime. This links very closely to the law, libel.
 - I would not be able to publish anything about a band which was in undergoing a court case or investigation, this means I must check background information on a band before I interview them. I also would not be able to include anything in my magazine which would provoke public excitement at the expense of accuracy. This means that I could not interview the band and then write that they have a new album coming out or a gig at a specific place if it was not true as this is inaccuarate and is something that would cause excitement but also an outrage when it is found out to be untrue. 

Friday 9 March 2018

LO2: Gantt Chart [✓]

This is the Gantt chart that I have created for the production of my magazine, Off Beat. By creating a Gantt chart it allows for me to plan my time in a visual way so I can see what tasks need to be completed.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

LO2: Production Schedules [✓]

These are my production schedules, this shows the different tasks I am going to do each week and what I am working on in order to plan my time effectively. I will continue creating production schedules throughout the full creation of my magazine in order to keep me on task and see what I have done and what needs to be done.

Week 1 

Week 2
Week 3

Week 4
Week 5
Week 7
Week 8

Week 9
Week 10
Week 11

Week 12
Week 13
Week 14