Monday 12 March 2018

LO2: Legal and Ethical [✓]

Links to my magazine. 

Obscene Publication Act
It is illegal to publish content that may negitively influence readers. 
Not publishing anything that could be seen as obscene. Obsene is something that is not seen as appropriate and could be deemed to be offensive.
My audience for my magazine is 16 to 25 year old, both male and female.
 - Indie music has lots of links to things such as alcohol, however it would be obscene for me to show the effects of alcohol in my magazine. This is because it could influence my audience as they may be underaged to drink in which case it is illegal however it would not be appropriate for me to show drunkeness as it could encourage my audience. The next thing that could be seen as obscene to include in my magazine would be drugs, this is due to them being illegal and it is know that many people, especially those who are on the indie music scene, have done drugs. Another thing that I will do will not include any explicit language in my magazine. If this language is said during my interview with the band, I will sensor any explicit language. This means that it will not offend my audience as it could be deamed to be obscene and inappropriate. 

Libel Law
It is illegal to publish defamatroy or harmful content about a person or publish untrue information. 
Their aim is to balance the right of free speech against protection for the reputation of an individual from unjustified attack.
If a person is defamed, if statements in a publication expose him to hatred or ridicule, cause him to be shunned, lower him in the estimation in the minds of "right-thinking" members of society or disparage him in his work. 
There are defences in law for libel. The publisher could prove the statement to be true, it could be fair comment - so long as the opinion is based on true facts, is genuinely held and not influenced by malice. 
 - For the double page spread in my magazine I am going to be interviewing a band. It is important for me not to include any information about this band is
Another thing that could be bad info bout other bands and venues
Any information in my magazine that is real, including a real person or event has to come from a creadible source. This has to be true and i need to check my sources.

Allows producers of content to protec their intellectual property and for it not to be used without permission.
 - In my magazine I would need to make sure that any photography of people will be my own. I will be taking an image of Regan Jones, the lead singer, for the front cover of my magazine, this photography will need to be taken by me and I will need to get permissions from the band members in order to be able use these images. All the graphics that I use in my magazine will be created by myself, this means that these will be my own intellectual property, however I will need to get permission from my band to use their logo in my magazine as this is something that is recognisable for them

Laws of Contempt
It is illegal to publish content based on an ongoing criminal prociding or court case.
Whilst a case is being investigated in court, magazines and newspapers are not allowed to publish anything or make comments on it. This is so that Jurists are not pursuaded by anything that theyve read. This prevents magazines form publising anything that is too sensationalist about a crime. This links very closely to the law, libel.
 - I would not be able to publish anything about a band which was in undergoing a court case or investigation, this means I must check background information on a band before I interview them. I also would not be able to include anything in my magazine which would provoke public excitement at the expense of accuracy. This means that I could not interview the band and then write that they have a new album coming out or a gig at a specific place if it was not true as this is inaccuarate and is something that would cause excitement but also an outrage when it is found out to be untrue. 

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